KENDARI - Officers at the Kendari Regional Police, Southeast Sulawesi, arrested a group suspected of shooting using a slingshot at random on the streets. The action of this youth group disturbed passersby.

"Last night we arrested six people who are a group of arsonists who are disturbing the public, the first initials are FM, B (minors), M, A, A, and R," said Kendari Police Chief, Kombes Muhammad Eka Faturrahman during the release. case in Kendari, Antara, Wednesday, 18 May.

The police arrested the gang in the early hours of Wednesday, May 18 when their men carried out a vehicle raid. "The first four people were arrested at an inn in the Anduonohu area, then it was developed to find the main perpetrator, FM, and we were able to arrest him," he explained.

The perpetrators have taken action in two locations, the Pasar Panjang area and finally at the Kendari Bypass at around 02.30 WITA Tuesday, May 17. Their actions resulted in an online motorcycle taxi being injured with an arrow stuck in the left waist.

The archery action was carried out by FM assisted by A, who is a minor.

FM previously received a vent via a short WA message from a friend that someone would be mistreated. FM then looked for people who would persecute his friend, but couldn't find him.

"So FM vented because the person who wanted to hit (his friend) wasn't there, so anyone who passed by was vented by bowing," he explained.

According to him, the actions of the perpetrators were getting crazy and indiscriminate because they were influenced by illegal drugs, which was proven by the results of a positive urine test for drugs.

FM is the executor in his group because he has mastered archery methods using a rubber slingshot since he graduated from junior high school. The six perpetrators were Kendari residents who knew each other and got a rubber slingshot that functioned like the bow by making their own.

"We will sort out these cases, some of which we are investigating as suspects for assault using a bow mode and some of their participation to help make it easier to commit crimes, then some of which we are investigating are related to narcotics crimes," he said.

The police are developing the case because they are still chasing two other perpetrators. In addition, the Kendari Police also continue to increase patrols and surveillance at several points that are suspected to be places that are prone to slingshot arrows and other street crimes.

Currently, the six perpetrators and some evidence of bow slingshots, bow blades and sharp items, namely machetes and badiks are at the Kendari Police Office for further investigation.

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