JAKARTA - An epidemiologist from Griffith University Australia, Dicky Budiman, asked the government to be careful in implementing the policy of easing activities by allowing people to take off masks outside.

Because, Dicky is worried about the emergence of excessive euphoria in the community so that it makes awareness of the implementation of health protocols weak.

"We have to be very careful, especially in narrating this in the sense that we don't build euphoria or overconfidence which will eventually make us ignore and harm ourselves," said Dicky when contacted by VOI, Wednesday, May 18.

What needs to be remembered is that currently the spread of the Omicor sub-variant is spreading in several countries, one of which is BA.2.12.1 and has made the number of COVID-19 cases increase again.

This means that the coverage of two-dose vaccination that has reached herd immunity is not enough. The government, said Dicky, must accelerate the achievement of the third or booster dose of vaccination.

"In countries that have started to relax not wearing masks outdoors, the coverage of the 3 vaccination doses is already above 70 percent. Well, Indonesia hasn't. I think we have to be careful whether the coverage of the three-dose vaccination is above 50. percent yet?" said Dicky.

In addition, although masks are allowed outside, Dicky asked the government to provide a detailed explanation regarding the safe outdoor conditions for removing masks.

"Even though it's outdoor, it doesn't guarantee it's safe. Outdoors must be accompanied by that the air circulation in the place is good. What is called risk communication must provide adequate information to the public," said Dicky.

"So that the public can judge for themselves whether they are in a safe situation or not when they are not wearing a mask, or having to wear a mask. That must be translated in more detail by officials under the president," he continued.

Yesterday, President Joko Widodo announced that now people are no longer required to wear masks when doing outdoor activities.

However, for activities in closed spaces and public transportation, the government still requires people to wear masks.

Then, for groups of people who are categorized as vulnerable to the elderly, or have comorbid diseases, Jokowi still advises them to continue to use masks when doing activities.

Likewise for people who experience symptoms of coughs and colds, they still have to wear masks when doing activities.

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