JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya secured dozens of motorbikes during a demonstration against the Job Creation Act 1310 which led to chaos. Later, the owners of these vehicles will be punished with a ticket.

Kasat Patwal Ditlantas Polda Metro Jaya Kompol Argo Wiyono said that the ticket sanction given is related to parking restrictions. This is because the drivers at that time parked their motorbikes on the side of the road around the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue to the United States Embassy.

"(Fines, red) a maximum of Rp. 250 thousand in accordance with Article 287 paragraph 3 of Law No. 22 of 2009 on Traffic and Road Transportation," said Argo to reporters, Thursday, October 15.

For those motorcycle owners, continued Argo, they must bring proof of a motorized vehicle certificate as a condition for taking it back.

But before bringing the motorbike home, the owners must be recorded first. This aims to find the perpetrators of the rioting when the demonstration against the Job Creation Law is rejected.

"We have to bring complete documents such as STNK, BPKB and we will declare them because there is an identity that we need to match as an indication of the perpetrators of the riot yesterday," said Argo.

So far, only a few vehicle owners have come to pick up their motorbikes. While the rest has not been confirmed yet.

"Until today, of the 69 new motorbikes, 25 confirmed attendance," he said.

Previously it was reported that the Polda Metro Jaya confiscated a vehicle belonging to a mass that had been abandoned when a demonstration against the Job Creation Law ended in chaos, Tuesday, October 13.

Polda Metro Jaya Traffic Director Director Kombes Sambodo Purnomo Yogo said dozens of vehicles belonging to the rioters were transported from the area at the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta.

"There are 69 vehicles. We secure the horse around IRTI," Sambodo told reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

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