SEMARANG - Five cadets of the Maritime Science Polytechnic (PIP) Semarang, Central Java, as defendants in the persecution that killed their junior, Zidan Muhammad Faza, were sentenced to 9 years in prison.

The Public Prosecutor, Niam Firdaus when reading the indictment stated that the five defendants were proven to have violated two cumulative charges, namely Article 170 paragraph 2 and Article 170 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code.

The five defendants were Caecar Richardo Bintang Samudra Tampubolon, Aris Riyanto, Andre Arsprilla Arief, Albert Jonathan Ompusungu, and Budi Dharmawan.

"Demanding that the panel of judges who examined and tried this case decide, declare the five defendants guilty, and sentence the defendants to 9 years in prison," he said in a trial chaired by Chief Judge Arkanu. .

In the first indictment, he said, the abuse carried out by the five defendants caused the death of cadet Zidan Muhammad Faza.

While in the second indictment, the actions of the five defendants caused 14 junior cadets to experience pain in the abdomen due to punches and or kicks.

The actions of the defendants, he continued, had fulfilled the criminal elements of what they were charged with.

As for mitigating considerations, the defendants have never been convicted and behaved politely during the trial.

Based on these demands, the panel of judges gave the opportunity for the defendants and their legal advisers to present their defense at the trial on May 19, 2022.

Semarang PIP cadet Zidan Muhammad Faza is thought to have died after being molested by five seniors in September 2021.

The unfortunate incident occurred at Mes Indoraya Semarang during disciplinary activities carried out by seniors against junior cadets.

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