SURABAYA - Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine Officers refused the transit of 736 cows from Kupang, NTT at Tanjung Perak Port. This policy follows the Minister of Agriculture's decision to designate several regencies in East Java Province as areas of the Mouth and Nail Disease (FMD) outbreak.

The provisions contained in Kepmentan No. 403/KPTS/PK.300/M/05/2022 has the consequence that as of May 9, 2022, no livestock susceptible to FMD may leave or enter the territory of East Java Province.

Quarantine veterinarian for the Tanjung Perak working area, Tri Endah, in a written statement Monday, said that the final destination of the cattle was Bekasi, with the initial plan being to dock the KM Calypso cattle ship at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya.

"Due to the status of the PMK outbreak area in East Java, the cattle ship was asked to divert its route to Tanjung Priok Port, North Jakarta. The ship may only dock, cannot lean on and the cows may not be unloaded," he said as quoted by Antara, Monday, 16 May.

Veterinarian Endah explained that for several days on the ship, since Wednesday (11/5), the cows were subjected to health checks by animal quarantine officials and given food and drink by the owner.

Animal quarantine officials in the Tanjung Perak work area are on standby to carry out surveillance to ensure ships do not dock and no cattle are unloaded.

"We have published the official report on the rejection of the importation of the cows. Thanks to the cooperation with the relevant agencies, KM Calypso was able to continue sailing to Tanjung Priok Port on Saturday (14/5) at 06.00 WIB after obtaining port clearance (sailing approval) from the harbormaster. ," he said.

The Head of Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine, Cicik Sri Sukarsih said that since it was confirmed positive for the FMD virus in four areas of East Java, Surabaya Agricultural Quarantine had tightened the entry and exit of susceptible animals and FMD animal products in East Java. This is in accordance with the SE Head of the Agricultural Quarantine Agency No. 12950/KR.120/K/05/2022 concerning Increasing Awareness of FMD Incidents.

"I appreciate the performance of quarantine officials in the field and collaboration with relevant agencies. This FMD outbreak must be followed up by tightening the traffic for FMD-prone animals and their products to prevent the spread of this disease from spreading further," he said.

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