BEKASI - Tourist from Bekasi, West Java, Ajeng Wahyuni (18), died on the spot after being struck by lightning while camping at Camp Gayatri, Cisarua, Puncak area, Bogor Regency.

"The victim was cooking in front of the tent where the victim was staying and while the victim was playing with her cellphone, while cooking, the victim was struck by lightning," said Head of Cisarua Police, Bogor Resort Police, Commissioner Supriyanto in Bogor, Antara, Sunday, May 15.

According to him, the incident began when Ajeng and her friend Aldi Wijaya camping at Camp Gayatri on Saturday, May 14, 2022, at around 13.15 western Indonesia time, to do cooking activities.

When the weather was cloudy, Ajeng, who was cooking while playing with her cellphone in front of the tent, was suddenly struck by lightning at around 15.15 western Indonesia time.

Supriyanto said that at that time, Camp Gayatri employees with Babinsa and Babhinmas in Citeko Village evacuated Ajeng to Dr. M Goenawan Partowidigdo Pulmonary Hospital (RSPG) Cisarua using an ambulance.

"By officers, the victim was taken to Cisarua Hospital in a village ambulance for further examination," said Supriyanto.

However, the results of the examination stated that the life of Ajeng, who is a resident of Sukaringin Village, Sukawangi District, Bekasi Regency, could not be saved. Ajeng was even declared dead on the spot when she was struck by lightning.

In addition, Supriyanto appealed to tourists not to use cell phones or cook outside during bad weather, because these activities can trigger lightning strikes.

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