MATARAM - The West Nusa Tenggara Regional Police took over the legal case of 10 students who were suspected of being the provocateurs of the demonstration during a road blockade for 4 days in the South Monta area, Bima Regency. , Saturday 14 May, said his party took over the case by asking the Bima Police to transfer the detention of the 10 students to the NTB Police. and Brimob," said Hari. The initials of 10 students who were detained and dispatched to the NTB Police were AR (20), IT (20), and ARH (20), from the Bima Teacher Training and Education College (STKIP). Mataram Polytechnic, with the initials AK (21), and SU (21). Then there were those from the Muhammadiyah University of Bima, with the initials SA (25), and MA (22). The other three, MU (23) from Mataram University, MR (19) from the Indonesian Muslim University Makassar, and AAM (22) from Makassar Islamic University. In handling at the Bima Police, they have been named as suspects under the suspicion of Article 192 of the Criminal Code Juncto Article 63 paragraph 1 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 38/2004 concerning Roads, with threats of 9 years to 15 years in prison and a fine of IDR 2 billion. from Monday 9 May to Thursday 12 May, those suspected of being from the student and community groups demanded the government to repair road infrastructure in the South Monta Region.

Previously, the TNI and Polri had provided space for mass action to convey their demands to the government. However, because they were not satisfied, the roadblocks continued. Seeing that the security situation and public order had become disturbed, the police invited all parties to bring together community and traditional leaders in Bima Regency. From the meeting, the police and the TNI on Thursday 12 May arrested 10 people from the crowd who allegedly acted as provocateurs for the action. After the arrests, the police and TNI managed to unblock the road. The current conditions are also reported to be conducive. Residents' activities have returned to normal.

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