SOLO - The Solo City Government, Central Java, has prepared a place for more than 1,000 traders for the car free day (CFD) which is planned to start on Sunday, 15 May.

"This CFD will be filled by street vendors, while zones or places that are allowed for testing use bags," said Head of the Solo City Trade Service Heru Sunardi in Solo, Antara, Friday, May 13.

He said the pockets in question were taking advantage of the courtyard of the government agency office which was located along Jalan Slamet Riyadi.

"For example, in the Social Service it can be for 25 street vendors, the Manpower Service can be for 11 street vendors, around Graha Wisata including in front of the Radya Pustaka Museum it can be for 137 street vendors, Galabo for 251 street vendors, Beteng Vastenburg 550 street vendors, and in the south side of Surakarta City Hall. it can be used for 137 street vendors. So in total there are 1,118 street vendors," he said.

For traders who sell in the pockets of these street vendors, it is preferred that they have a Surakarta ID card. "These are those who have registered and have registered. Until this afternoon, around 300 street vendors have registered," he said.

In addition, he said, the city walk zone or pedestrian area can also be used for selling, but old traders are prioritized.

"This city walk starts from the Ngapeman intersection to the Gendengan intersection. The estimate can be for 800 street vendors. We have communicated this with the association," he said.

Meanwhile, he appealed to street vendors, especially those selling food, to reduce, even if necessary, avoid washing dishes, glasses, spoons.

"As much as possible it is ready to serve. This is an effort to maintain cleanliness. In addition, we control the area of the selling area of each street vendor, if we used to roll out three mats, this is reduced to two mats. We have also communicated this with the merchant association," he said.

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