BATAM - Member of Commission IV DPRD Riau Islands, Uba Ingan Sigalingging found and regretted the existence of inappropriate high school classrooms in one SMA Negeri in Tanjung Buntung, Batam, Riau Islands.

"It's the same as a food court (food court). So when teaching and learning, the classes can hear each other. Of course students don't concentrate," said Uba Ingan Sigalingging, who is in charge of education in Batam, quoted from Antara, Friday, May 13.

From observations at the location, each classroom is only separated by a blackboard which is used as a partition, and each class is also equipped with plastic tables and chairs for students.

It was seen that the school only used plots of land, and with a concept such as a food court which was eventually transformed into several classrooms. "Even more ironically, one of the classrooms is next to a toilet for students and teachers," said Uba.

Regarding the existence of this apprehensive SMAN, said Uba, it is known from reports from the community who complain about the teaching and learning system there and are concerned about seeing students and teachers undergoing the teaching and learning system in an inappropriate place.

Not only that, the environment around the school is still an arid land. "After seeing it firsthand, if there is a strong wind, dust will definitely enter and hit the students who are studying," he said.

Uba also said that the Riau Islands Education Office had not yet proposed additional funds for the development progress of the SMAN.

Thus, the apprehensive conditions experienced by the SMAN students still have to be endured until the next year's budget.

"I also happened to be in the Provincial DPRD Budget Agency. And at this time there is no proposal from the Education Office for the SMAN. The point is that this condition will still be experienced by students until the end of the year. it will take a long time for students to feel like this," he said.

Responding to this, the Head of the Riau Islands Province Communication and Information Service (Diskominfo), Hasan explained that in 2022 the Riau Islands Provincial Education Office has budgeted Rp 2.8 billion to renovate the SMAN.

"So the budget is already in the Special Allocation Fund (DAK), the statement was immediately signed by the Head of the Riau Islands Education Office for Rp. 2.8 billion," said Hasan.

As for the buildings that were not ready, Hasan said that it was because previously the budget planning had been carried out in 2020 and will be carried out in 2021.

“But it turns out that the process is gradual because of the high cost. So in 2021 it is not ready, so it will be continued in 2022," Hasan said.

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