JAKARTA - Indonesian Ambassador to Ukraine Ghafur Akbar Dharmaputra passed away on Thursday, May 12 at 21.50 p.m.

A Spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Teuku Faizasyah, said that Ghafur died of illness at the age of 58.

"The deceased is a senior Indonesian diplomat who has dedicated his work and work to the country and the nation," said Faizasyah when contacted by Antara on Friday, May 13.

While serving as the Indonesian Ambassador to Ukraine, Ghafur has been instrumental in assisting the evacuation of Indonesian citizens during the Russian invasion and safeguarding Indonesia's interests during very difficult times in Ukraine.

“The deceased continued to carry out his duties as ambassador in a plenary manner until the last moment. May the deceased find the best place by His side and may the family left behind be given strength in this difficult time," said Faizasyah.

Before serving as the Indonesian Ambassador to Ukraine, Ghafur had a career as an Expert in Sustainable Development at the Coordinating Ministry for Economic Affairs and the Indonesian Consul General. in New York, United States.

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