JAKARTA - The National Police are trying to repatriate Saifuddin Ibrahim, a suspect in hate speech containing SARA that asked the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Koran. Prasetyo was reported by Antara, Thursday, May 12.

According to Dedi, the National Police through the International Relations Division (Hubinter) continue to communicate with law enforcement officials in the United States to return the suspect Saifuddin Ibrahim to the country. Later, when there is more information, it will be conveyed," said Dedi. Meanwhile, the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police, Komjen Agus Andrianto, stated that the National Police had not yet received a response from the US authorities to arrest Saifuddin Ibrahim, who is suspected of being in the United States. arrested Saifuddin Ibrahim because no rules were violated in the land of Uncle Sam. However, the National Police tried to arrest him by providing information to the United States Embassy in Indonesia regarding the legal violations that Saifuddin Ibrahim had committed in the country. convicted of a case (SI was sentenced in the Tangerang District Court in the same case). (Possibly) the information was not filled out correctly," Agus said. Agus said that currently the National Police can only wait for a response from the United States authorities to arrest Saifuddin Ibrahim. Police," said Agus. The National Police have named Saifuddin Ibrahim as a suspect in the alleged crime of hate speech containing SARA. In this case, investigators have examined 13 witnesses, consisting of 9 witnesses, 4 expert witnesses (language experts, Islamic Religion experts, ITE experts and criminal experts). Investigators also examined evidence in the form of Saifuddin Ibrahim's YouTube content.

In this case, the Bareskrim Polri investigators received three police reports, namely two reports on March 18 and one report on March 22. Even on that date, investigators have raised the status of the case to the investigation stage. Saifuddin Ibrahim was charged with a criminal act of hate speech based on SARA and or defamation and or blasphemy and or false reporting by deliberately publishing trouble among the people and or broadcasting uncertain news and excessive through YouTube Sauifuddin Ibrahim according to Article 45 paragraph (1) Jo. Article 24 paragraph (1) of Law (UU) Number 19 of 2016 concerning Amendments to Law Number 11 of 2008 concerning ITE. Pastor Saifuddin Ibrahim went viral after his video which was broadcast on social media was protested by many parties. Saifuddin, in the viral broadcast, asked the Minister of Religion to delete 300 verses of the Koran that were printed in Indonesia. So far, the video is no longer found on Saifuddin Ibrahim's personal Youtube account, but the footage has been spread on various social media, such as Twitter and Youtube.

Saifuddin Ibrahim could not be reached for confirmation regarding this matter.

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