ACEH - The Aceh Health Service stated that the COVID-19 pandemic condition in this area is getting better following the zero addition of new cases. It is recorded that there are no more infected patients who are hospitalized or in self-isolation.

"Thank God, there are no more patients being treated and there are no more active cases," said Head of Disease Prevention and Control (P2P) at the Aceh Health Office, Iman Cheapman in Banda Aceh, Antara, Thursday, May 12.

Iman explained that the last active case of COVID-19 was a resident of South Aceh Regency. However, as of today, the patient has been declared cured, so that currently Aceh has zero active cases.

Since the beginning of May 2022, in general, Aceh has had zero new cases. Even if there are additional new cases, the average is only one to two cases.

"Even in the past week, Aceh has zero additional new cases," said Iman.

Currently, there are 31 COVID-19 referral hospitals throughout Aceh, with no corona infection patients. With a total capacity of 118 intensive care unit (ICU) beds and 862 beds in hospital isolation rooms.

It was explained, the pandemic condition in Tanah Rencong was getting better. Nevertheless, he still asked the public to be vigilant and avoid activities that could cause crowds before the pandemic really ended.

"In general, the COVID-19 condition in Aceh is safe. Although in some areas there is a work from home implementation for one week, in Aceh there is no WFH policy," he said.

Since March 2020, the total transmission of COVID-19 cases in Aceh has reached 43,698 people, of whom 41,481 have been declared cured, and 2,217 people have died.

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