JAKARTA - Minister of Health Budi Gunadi Sadikin said the investigation process of suspected mysterious hepatitis cases continues to show a fairly good development of information.
"We are continuously monitoring the progress and there is a lot of additional information. In general, the progress is quite good," said Budi Gunadi Sadikin in a virtual press conference reported by Antara, Thursday, May 12.
Budi said the investigation process was carried out in collaboration with the Indonesian Ministry of Health with the World Health Organization (WHO), America, and the UK in an effort to find the cause of acute hepatitis.
Minister of Health Budi mentioned the possibility of acute hepatitis due to Adenovirus strain 41. But this allegation still needs to be supported by further research
The Ministry of Health is still conducting an investigation through a complete virus panel examination and an epidemiological investigation to find out more about the cause of this disease.
"Hepatitis is indeed a hot issue and not all of the information reaches the public. We will convey it on another occasion," he said
Meanwhile, a Spokesperson for the Ministry of Health, Siti Nadia Tarmizi, said that during the investigation process, the public must increase vigilance by always implementing health protocols.
"During the investigation period, we urge the public to be careful and remain calm. Take precautions such as washing hands, ensuring food is cooked and clean, not changing eating utensils, avoiding contact with sick people, and continuing to implement health protocols," she said.
Nadia, who serves as Secretary of Public Health of the Indonesian Ministry of Health, sees cases of acute hepatitis not having a chance to become a pandemic. The development of cases is quite slow because so far only six countries have reported more than six patients.
Separately, Consultant Pediatrician, Consultant Gastro Hepatology, Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital (RSCM) Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia, Hanifah Oswari, said that the initial suspected causes of acute hepatitis were Adenovirus, SARS CoV-2, and ABV virus. The virus attacks the patient's gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract.
To prevent the risk of infection, Hanifah suggested that parents increase their vigilance by taking preventive measures. The first step that can be done is to maintain personal and environmental hygiene.
"Maintain cleanliness by washing hands with soap, making sure the food or drink consumed is cooked, not using eating utensils with other people and avoiding contact with our children from sick people so that our children stay healthy," he said.
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