JAKARTA - Member of the Executive Committee of the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (WE), Syahganda Nainggolan, is still being investigated intensively about the alleged spread of hate speech and the discussion.

Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Coalition for Action to Save Indonesia (KAMI) Ahmad Yani said that the alleged criminal acts committed by his client were due to posting narratives that were considered seditious.

"If Pak Syahganda was shown during the initial examination, there were tweets of Mr. Syahganda on his Twitter account," said Ahmad Yani to reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

However, Ahmad Yani, who became Syahganda's lawyer, assessed that Syahganda's upload did not have the element of incitement or hate speech, as alleged by the police. This is because his client's uploads are still about democracy.

"We have not seen the correlation and the relevance between what was tweeted and what was accused," he said.

In fact, Yani denied when he was asked about his client's thread regarding the Omnibus Law. Jusrtu he questioned the police about the basis for the arrest of his client.

"There is nothing, that's why the tweet is suspected of inciting," he said.

Previously it was reported that the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit arrested Syahganda Nainggolan on October 13 this morning. He was arrested at his home.

"He was arrested in Depok at 04.00 WIB at his house," said Karo Penmas, Police Public Relations Division, Awi Setiyono to reporters, Tuesday, October 13.

It is suspected that Syahganda's arrest was related to a demonstration against the Job Creation Law which ended in chaos.

However, Awi did not guarantee it and only said that the arrest was related to a violation of the ITE Law. "Yes, related to ITE," he briefly.

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