PURWOKERTO - Class IIA Special Penitentiary Karanganyar, Nusakambangan Island, Cilacap Regency, Central Java, provides counseling services for prisoners or inmates in prisons who apply the supermaximum security system. We carry out this intensively, one of which is through counseling services," said Acting Head of Class IIA Karanganyar Special Prison Riko Purnama Candra in a press release received in Purwokerto, Banyumas Regency, Thursday. Wednesday, May 11, carried out counseling activities for six inmates of Karanganyar Prison by involving psychologists from the Cilacap Hospital. The activity was carried out in the Counseling Room with full supervision from the Prisoners' Guidance Section/Protect (Binadik) and the Karanganyar Prison Emergency Response Team. Riko said the counseling activity aimed at reducing the stress level of the inmates so that it is expected to improve their health. "Counseling is a necessity that we must provide to inmates as a form of service to them," he explained. continued to the relevant WBP. "This is the importance of counseling and cooperation with competent parties. In the future, this activity is expected to be carried out in a sustainable manner for the good of the inmates," said Plt. Kalapas.

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