KALBAR - The Regional Police of West Kalimantan (Polda Kalbar) are hunting for armed robbers who targeted fishermen. The robbery took place on the TB Legasea I ship, in the Kapuas River area, early Wednesday, May 11.

"As soon as we received a report from a joint team from Polair, Jatanras and the Ditkrimum of the West Kalimantan Police, they immediately chased three robbers who tried to rob a ship in the waters of the Kapuas River," said Head of Public Relations of the West Kalimantan Police, Kombes Pol Jansen Avitus Panjaitan in Pontianak, Thursday 12 May.

He explained, from the results of the joint team's pursuit, the police managed to arrest a boat that was allegedly used by the three robbers in carrying out their crime.

"For now, we are holding the boat, while the three perpetrators are still being chased," he said.

He hopes that people who know the whereabouts of the three perpetrators will immediately report to the nearest police station so that they can be arrested as soon as possible for legal processing in accordance with applicable regulations.

Previously, as reported by Antara, the Head of Polair Polres Mempawah, Iptu Andi Rahmat, stated that the three perpetrators in carrying out their actions followed the TB Legasea ship at the stern using a small canoe while sailing in the Kapuas River area, Wednesday 11 May, at around 04.00 WIB.

This crime resulted in a crew member (ABK) of the TB Legasea ship suffering a gunshot wound to the right arm. "It is strongly suspected that the robbers used airguns, with a total of three people," he said.

The robbery action was successfully thwarted by the crew of the TB Legasea ship by throwing wood, so the robbers gave up their intention to rob the ship.

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