JAKARTA - The Head of Central Jakarta Police, Kombes Heru Novianto, said that the police arrested a number of unscrupulous participants who wanted to go to the Horse Statue area with violent tools and hijacked a truck.

"There are some that we secure. Some of them are hostage trucks, we arrest them at the HI Roundabout. At Juanda, there are also those who carry catapults and sharp weapons. We immediately secure them," Heru said at the Horse Statue area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, October 13.

Heru said that a group suspected of wanting to riot was now being held at Polda Metro Jaya. However, Heru admitted that he did not know the identities of the persons participating in the action.

"There are several that we have secured at Polda. The number is not yet certain. We also cannot identify the rioters," he said.

Heru said, his party deployed 450 police personnel and 200 TNI personnel to guard the central location for the demonstration.

In the National Anti-Communist Alliance of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (ANAK NKRI) has gathered in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue, Central Jakarta to hold a 1310 demonstration.

Two commando cars were seen parked in the middle of the crowd. After singing the national compulsory songs, representatives of the masses took turns calling for rejection of the Job Creation Law.

In front of the crowd, the police had blockaded Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat using a road divider and barbed wire. It appears that the police are still monitoring from across the barrier separating the masses.

Occasionally, the Head of Central Jakarta Police, Kombes Heru Novianto, calls through loudspeakers, calling on the implementation of demonstrations to run in an orderly manner and to prioritize the implementation of health protocols during the COVID-19 pandemic.

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