KENDARI - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) said that in general the Southeast Sulawesi (Sultra) Province has the potential to experience moderate rainfall in mid-May 2022.

"In mid-May 2022, most of the Southeast Sulawesi region is predicted to have a high chance of experiencing medium category rainfall (51-150 mm/dasarian)," said BMKG Forecaster for the South Konawe Climatology Station, Ayudya Safitri in a written statement received by the BMKG Sultra Public Relations in Kendari, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 11th.

Meanwhile, areas that have a high chance of experiencing low rainfall categories (<=50 mm/dasarian) occur in parts of Bombana, South Konawe, West Muna, Buton, Central Buton, South Buton, Wakatobi and Baubau City.

He said that in early May 2022, most of the Southeast Sulawesi region experienced low rainfall (0-50 mm/dasarian) to medium (51-150 mm/dasarian).

"However, some areas of North Konawe, Kolaka, Bombana, North Buton, Muna and Buton regencies experienced high rainfall (151-200 mm/dasarian)," he explained. - -official-so-owner-twitter-elon-musk-akan-return-account-donald-trump-yang-suspended- -in-kota-depok-terbakar-[/see_slao] He also conveyed that in general, the Southeast Sulawesi region in mid-May to mid-June 2022 is predicted to experience low rainfall (0-50 mm/dasarian) to medium (51-150 mm/dasarian).

BMKG appealed to the people of Southeast Sulawesi to continue to be alert to the potential for heavy rain, lightning and strong winds, fallen trees, slippery roads that might occur.

"Make sure you get updates on weather/climate information from trusted sources on official BMKG accounts," said Ayunda.

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