JAKARTA - Transjakarta has stopped all operational services since 10.30 WIB today. Stop operations related to demonstrations in the area of the Arjuna Wiwaha Horse Statue and around the National Monument.

Operational Director of PT Jakarta Transportation, Prasetia Budi, said that the termination of all services was carried out to prevent potential damage to bus stops by unscrupulous people during the rassa demonstrations.

"The closure of Transjakarta services today is taken in anticipation of safeguarding public facilities so that they do not become targets of irresponsible rallies," Prasetia said in his statement, Tuesday, October 13.

In addition, the interruption of Transjakarta services is also intended so that all customers and our officers who are around the location of the action are gated.

"Transjakarta is working with the Polda Metro Jaya to ensure security and get the latest updates and information at the scene of the incident," he said.

Prasetia said that Transjakarta services will return to normal operations, when conditions allow for the bus fleet to pass.

"Transjakarta urges all customers to be careful, vigilant and always prioritize personal and family safety," he said.

For information, the National Anti-Communist Alliance (ANAK) NKRI will hold a demonstration against the Job Creation Law. The mass organizations in this alliance are the 212 Alumni Brotherhood (PA), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) and the Ulama Fatwa Guard National Movement (GNPF).

PA 212 Wasekjen Novel Bamukmin said the demonstration would be centered in front of the State Palace. "The action will begin at around 13.00 WIB. It is centered in front of the State Palace and the gathering point at the Horse Statue," Novel Bakmumin told VOI.

The novel cannot confirm the number of people who will take part in this action. But he is sure that thousands of people will join in the action against the Job Creation Law.

As for the matter with permission to action, Novel did not comment. He only said that if the action would lead President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) to cancel the ratification of the Job Creation Law. "Of course we demand that the Job Creation Law be canceled," he said.

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