JAKARTA - The Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) investigates two suspects regarding the receipt of money in the corruption case of procurement and implementation of the construction work of the "multiyears" Waterfront City Bridge at the Department of Highways and Irrigation of the Kampar Regency Government, Riau, TA 2015-2016.

The KPK, examined the Commitment Making Officer (PPK) of the Highways and Irrigation Service of the Kampar Adnan Regency Government (ADN) and the Operational Division Manager of PT Wijaya Karya (Wika) I Ketut Suarbawa (IKS) in their capacity as suspects in the Waterfront City Bridge case.

Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri in his statement in Jakarta, Monday stated that each suspect was confirmed by investigators regarding the alleged actions of the suspects by actively coordinating and cooperating with each other and providing assistance so that PT Wijaya Karya was won in the project.

"This was followed by a ' kick back ' (giving of money) to both the ADN and IKS suspects as well as to other parties related to the Kampar Bridge project," Ali said as quoted by Antara , Jakarta, Monday, October 12.

The two suspects are suspected of violating Article 2 paragraph (1) or Article 3 of Law Number 20 of 2001 concerning Amendments to Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning Eradication of Corruption in conjunction with Article 55 paragraph (1) 1st of the Criminal Code.

It is known, the Kampar Regency Government launched several strategic projects including the construction of the Bangkinang Bridge or what was later called the Waterfront City Bridge.

In mid-2013, it is suspected that Adnan held a meeting in Jakarta for I Ketut Suarbawa and several other parties. During the meeting, Adnan ordered I Ketut Suarbawa to provide information about the bridge design and "engineer's estimate".

On August 19, 2013, the Kampar Regency Goods and Services Procurement Service Office announced an auction for the construction of the Waterfront City Bridge for Fiscal Year 2013 with the scope of foundation works. The auction was won by PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk.

In October 2013, a contract was signed for the construction of the Waterfront City Bridge for the 2013 Fiscal Year with a value of Rp. 15,198,470,500.00 with the scope of work on the bridge foundation and the implementation period until December 20, 2014.

After the contract, Adnan asked the consultant to make an "engineer's estimate" for the construction of the Waterfront City Bridge for the 2014 Fiscal Year and I Ketut Suarbawa asked for an increase in unit prices for several works.

The KPK suspects that the collaboration between Adnan and I Ketut Suarbawa regarding the self-estimation price will continue in the following years until the implementation of the multi-year Waterfront City Bridge construction financed by the 2015 APBD, 2015 Revised APBD, and 2016 APBD.

For this act, it is suspected that Adnan received money in the amount of approximately Rp1 billion or 1 percent of the value of the contract.

The suspects are suspected of having collusion and illegal tender arrangements. It is suspected that in this project there has been a loss of state finances of at least around IDR 50 billion from the value of the multi-year Waterfront City Bridge construction project in the 2015 and 2016 Fiscal Years totaling IDR 117.68 billion.

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