TANJUNGPINANG - Head of the Riau Islands Province Education Office (Kepri) Andi Agung said, as many as seven class XII high school students did not pass the National Examination for the 2021/2022 academic year.

The total number of class XII students spread across seven regencies/cities throughout the Riau Islands Province is 16,024 people, of which 16,017 people have passed or as a percentage of 99.96 percent.

"Meanwhile, the percentage of students who fail is 0.34 percent," said Andi Agung in Tanjungpinang, Antara, Monday, May 9.

Agung said the seven students who did not pass were spread in three people in Karimun Regency, one in Natuna Regency, one in Lingga Regency, and two in Batam City.

Meanwhile, for the other three regencies/cities, namely Bintan Regency, Anambas Regency, and Tanjungpinang City, the percentage of passing grade XII high school students is 100 percent.

He continued, explaining that the students who did not pass usually had problems in the academic field, for example, they did not take exams or the process of learning and teaching face-to-face or online during the COVID-19 pandemic.

His party has even communicated with the parents of each of these students to ensure that their child does have problems at school.

"Parents also admit that their children are lazy to study, especially at home," he said.

Kendari, however, the Riau Islands Provincial Education Office has directed the seven students who did not pass to take the Package C exam, which will be scheduled at a later date, with the hope that these students study hard so that they can pass the Package C exam.

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