KUPANG - The Alliance of Independent Journalists (AJI) Kupang, East Nusa Tenggara, is currently collecting a number of data and evidence related to the case of mistreatment of journalists in Kupang to determine whether or not there are actors behind the case.

"We are currently collecting evidence or data related to this, so for the time being I cannot confirm whether or not there is a main actor behind this case," said AJI Kupang chairman Marthen Bana in Kupang, reported by Antara, Monday, May 9.

AJI, he said, appreciated the fast work of the police, in this case the Kupang City Police, which succeeded in arresting five suspects of abuse in two different locations.

The two locations are one suspect in Kupang City and four more suspects in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan when they were about to board a plane to Jakarta.

Marthen said that his party had received preliminary information that the perpetrators seemed to be asked to attach a body to the abuse case to close the actor behind the case.

"We just have to encourage and support the police to investigate to confirm the motives and roles of other parties behind this case," he added.

AJI, said Marthen, hopes that the perpetrators who have been arrested can be processed thoroughly so that there is a deterrent effect.

He continued, against one perpetrator who is still being chased and is included in the wanted list (DPO) of the Kupang City Police, his party stated that they gave full support to arrest him.

"We at AJI Kupang have also communicated with the Press Legal Aid Institute (LBH) in Jakarta to assist in the legal process for the victims of the persecution," he said.

Marthen himself also said that he had conveyed this to the victim, and he hoped that Fabian Latuan would accept the assistance from the LBH Pers. Previously, Fabianus Latuan was allegedly attacked by a number of unknown people after reporting at the Regional Owned Enterprises Office (BUMD) belonging to the Provincial Government. NTT PT Flobamor in Naikolan, Kupang City on Tuesday, April 26.

The press conference was marked by a debate between the leadership of the BUMD belonging to the NTT Provincial Government and a number of media crews.

After a long debate, he and his colleagues left the PT Flobamor office on a motorbike. However, about 30 meters away, he was suddenly attacked by a number of people who made him fall along with the vehicle he was riding.

"Before hitting someone shouted my name, possibly to be a sign for the perpetrators to gang up and abuse me at the scene," he said.

He, who suffered injuries to his face and chest, has reported the incident to the Kupang City Police.

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