JAKARTA - Chairperson of the Task Force for Handling COVID-19 Doni Monardo said that the number of intensive care units (ICU) for COVID-19 patients in DKI Jakarta continues to increase.

This happened because the central government through the Minister of Health had tried to add more space after he had a meeting with DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan on July 23.

"The result of our discussion is how the central government can support the readiness of the ICU room in the Jakarta area. Well, we can see that the number or ICU rooms that were initially less than 600 in the near future, the Minister of Health together with other leaders supported the addition of ICU rooms in The referral hospital is in Jakarta. So, now we see the number is close to 800, "Doni said in a press conference broadcast on the BNPB YouTube account, Monday, October 12.

Meanwhile, related to the number of ICU rooms used, currently there is also a reduction. Previously, in the last month, the amount of space used reached 82.99 percent, now only 70.50 percent is used. This means that there has been a reduction of 11.77 percent.

"This is a very large number and we hope that with high awareness, people can recover in their initial condition. Do not let those with mild symptoms then go to moderate and severe conditions," he said.

Furthermore, he also mentioned that President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had assigned the COVID-19 Task Force and the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy (Kemenparekraf) to work together to prepare hotel facilities as a means of independent isolation. So that people who are confirmed positive but cannot carry out independent isolation in their homes can be treated at the hotel.

"So that the efforts of the central government and in cooperation with local governments and other parties are expected to accelerate the healing process for our affected families," he said.

Currently, continued Doni, there are already five hotels that are used as independent isolation facilities in DKI Jakarta. However, Doni did not elaborate on the location of the hotel. Apart from DKI Jakarta, there are a number of other areas that have used hotels as a means of self-isolation for communities such as Aceh, Bali, South Sulawesi.

"In fact, South Sulawesi, especially Makassar, has used hotels for independent isolation facilities for people exposed to COVID-19 from the start," he explained.

Furthermore, Doni hopes that the hotel that has been prepared as a place for independent isolation will not be fully occupied. So, he asked the public to obey health protocols and be vigilant, including with people around their environment.

"COVID is not transmitted by animals like swine flu and bird flu but by humans. Humans who are very close to us can infect us. Not distant people, so our closest family, work friends or friends who are walking include those who are very close to us. being in a public space when there is a crowd that has the potential to infect one another, "he concluded.

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