Worst Scenario For Iran's Cyber Attack On The US
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JAKARTA - The United States should be vigilant, especially on Thursday, January 8, when Iran started its missile attack. Iran launches missile attacks on two US military bases in Iraq. However, it is not only physical attacks that threaten the US, but cyber attacks also need to be warned.

In recent years, Iran has strengthened their cyber power. Some of the cyber attacks they have launched on the US have succeeded in making the superpower confused.

Reported by Vox, in 2012, Iran had attacked more than 40 American banks, including the cases of JPMorgan and Bank of America. The attack made it difficult for the bank to serve its customers.

In 2012, Iran had also infiltrated the network of one of the largest Saudi-American oil companies, Saudi Aramco. The malware attack erased up to 75 percent of documents, e-mails and other files stored on the company's computer servers, and replaced them with a burning American flag image.

"I suspect they have started targeting through phishing activities carried out by means of social engineering that focuses on the oil and gas sector, the financial sector and the power grid," said Retired Navy Lieutenant General Vincent Stewart.

From the latest reports, there are indications that Iranian cyber forces are stepping up their online operations. They are suspected of preparing attacks on US companies. For example, by tricking employees of large companies into getting passwords and other important information, so they can access the company network.

The cyber war between Iran and the US, according to the International Security (Cyber Sector) Expert of the Jakarta Veterans National Development University Adi Rio Arianto, can already be called the International Geometry War (PGA). "Because of the war in the cyber realm there has been a retaliation," Adi told VOI some time ago.

Previously, the US had also carried out cyber attacks against Iran via Stuxnet. The attack hit Iran's nuclear infrastructure. However, the attack was well detected by Iran. According to Adi, this is proof that Iran has very mature cyber capabilities.

Iran's cyber threat to US nuclear

So far Iran has never used its cyber capabilities for military purposes. Iran is more targeting the civilian sector. For example in the case of the killing of Iranian General Qassim Soleimani, Iran carried out its first counterattack by hacking into the official US website. In the attack, Iran attempted to paralyze its civilian information network.

"Why did Iran do this, because this attack is considered more significant, more efficient and organized, even though missile attacks have also been carried out," Adi said.

A more dangerous scenario than Iran's cyber attack, according to Adi, is not impossible that they will attack cyber infrastructure connected to US nuclear facilities. If this happens, then attacks to and from the infrastructure connected to cyber channels will lead to a very frightening event, namely the privatization of the US-Iran nuclear war.

"This is dangerous for the security of the 21st century world"


According to Adi, both Iran and the US can actually carry out cyber attacks linked to nuclear. He hoped that would never happen. Because if that happens, according to Adi, the geometric war between nations will destroy parts of the world, "he concluded.

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