JAKARTA - Tulungagung Polres Satlantas, East Java, finally ticketed the Harapan Jaya bus driver who was driving on the shoulder of the road against the current during the return traffic jam for Lebaran 2022, on Thursday, May 5.

"We have met with the management of the bus PO and met with the driver concerned for action," said Tulungagung Police Traffic Head AKP Muhammad Bayu Agustyan quoting Antara, Saturday, May 7.

The action was taken after the incident of blocking the AKDP bus (intercity within the province) heading Surabaya - Trenggalek by a VW Combi minivan driven by Trisnadi Marjan on the Kediri - Tulungagung highway in the Ngantru District area, which went viral on social media.

According to Bayu Agustyan, the action was taken to provide a deterrent effect to bus drivers who drive recklessly and harm other drivers.

Moreover, the unsympathetic act was carried out at a time when there was a build-up of backflow on the national route.

"We again appeal to PO owners so that there are no more bus (drivers) going against the direction (of the current), especially when there is a density like yesterday," he said.

He said that the actions of the Surabaya Patas bus driver with the final destination of Trenggalek had worsened the traffic conditions, which at that time were already jammed.

The blocking step by other motorists who feel aggrieved is said to be a logical consequence because their right to access roads has been taken away by the bus driver.

Moreover, the act of going against the flow during busy hours will actually cause chaos, because the police have engineered traffic so that the traffic density does not cause a serious traffic jam.

The Tulungagung-Kediri route in the Ngantru sub-district is always crowded when going home and going back for Lebaran.

Moreover, on D+3 and D+4 Lebaran there are also many people who want to stay in touch or travel.

Access roads that are passed by vehicles from the direction of Kediri to Tulungagung, Blitar Trenggalek and Ponorogo usually increase in the volume of vehicles in the morning and evening.

This condition triggers the driver's impatience so that he is desperate to go against the flow when stuck in traffic.

Previously, the VW Combi driver, Trisnadi, through his Instagram account uploaded a video of the moments of blocking the Surabaya-Trenggalek bus that was desperate to go against the current.

The bus, which was traveling from the north, slipped into the opposite lane, presumably due to impatience in heavy traffic conditions.

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