NAGREG - The volume of vehicles on reverse flow in the Nagreg area, Bandung Regency, West Java, began to experience congestion on Friday or D+3 night after Eid 2022 or Eid 1443H.

According to ANTARA's monitoring, congestion is starting to occur at the exit point of the Nagreg Ring Road. At that location there is a narrowing of the lane from four lanes on the Nagreg Circle to two lanes on Jalan Raya Nagreg.

"Indeed, we have seen an increase in vehicles, especially from east to west," said Bandung Police Chief Kombes Kusworo Wibowo at the Cileunyi Integrated Post, Bandung Regency, West Java, as reported by Antara, Friday, May 6.

According to Kusworo, the increase in vehicle volume has been felt since Thursday, May 5. On that day there were as many as 115,000 vehicles passing Nagreg to the west, in the previous week there were only about 30 thousand vehicles heading west.

In order to smooth the flow, the police also applied countercurrent engineering on Jalan Raya Nagreg so that vehicles leaving the Nagreg Circle could still go without any obstacles.

From the normal two lanes on Jalan Raya Nagreg, this reverse flow was engineered to be three lanes for the westward current.

"So far it is still under safe control, there is no significant overcrowding," said Kusworo.

Homecomers who will return to their place of origin are asked to prepare the condition of their vehicle and physical condition. If tired, he asked travelers to rest first.

"As long as you can rest, rest until you are fit, then continue the journey back," said Kusworo.

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