JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has explained at length that the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law includes straightening out a series of hoaxes that have triggered demonstrations . But in fact demonstrations against the Job Creation Law are still being held in the regions today.

From the citizen's video reports uploaded on a number of regional information Instagram accounts, the demonstration which was attended by many students continued, Monday, October 12. Judging from the information account of the Makassar City Communication and Information Agency, a demonstration based on CCTV monitoring took place at the Makassar flyover, Jalan Urip Sumoharjo.

In addition, the crowd was also monitored in front of the South Sulawesi (Sulsel) governor's office, Jalan Urip Sumoharjo, Makassar. Meanwhile in Palu, Central Sulawesi, the demonstrators gathered at Jalan Samratulangi-Sudirman.

In Medan, the masses began to crowd the SIB Roundabout or Mayestik Roundabout, Jalan Gatot Subroto. They carried the banner 'NKRI Price Dead, Cancel Omnibus Law'. Demonstrations were also held in Bireuen, Aceh. Students voiced rejection of the Job Creation Law.

In Jakarta, a demonstration is planned to be held near the Palace. The National Police and the TNI have prepared a demonstration to guard against the Job Creation Law with a troop rally.

President Joko Widodo delivers a press statement regarding the Work Creation Act (UU) at the Bogor Presidential Palace (Photo: BPMI Setpres / Lukas)

Kapolda Metro Jaya Inspector General Nana Sudjana said the troop deployment was aimed at synergizing the Indonesian National Police. So, the process of securing the action went well without any obstacles.

"We conduct joint patrols with the route from the DPR then around the city. With some at Monas and finishing at the DPR," Nana told reporters, Monday, October 12.

The security scheme was implemented because it is reflected in the demonstration which ended in chaos on 8 October. So, the TNI and Polri have prepared everything.

"(We) have carried out the Tactical Wall Game (TWG) to anticipate and map the safeguards for potential vulnerabilities," he said.

President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) previously responded to demonstrations that ended in chaos in many areas. This demonstration was called by Jokowi was motivated by hoaxes on social media.

"However, I saw demonstrations against the Job Creation Law which were basically motivated by disinformation regarding the substance of this law and hoaxes on social media," Jokowi said in a statement broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat Youtube account, Friday, October 9.

In a statement, Jokowi emphasized that the Job Creation Law was needed to encourage job creation. The conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected workers and lost their jobs due to layoffs.

"In a closed meeting I emphasized why we need a Job Creation Law. First, every year there are around 2.9 million new working age young people who enter the labor market, so the need for new jobs is very urgent, "said Jokowi.

Jokowi reviewed the conditions amid the COVID-19 pandemic, there were 6.9 million unemployed and 3.5 million workers affected by COVID-19. As many as 87 percent of the total working population, continued Jokowi, has a high school education level and below.

"So it is necessary to encourage the creation of new jobs, especially in the busy sector, so the Job Creation Law aims to provide as many jobs as job seekers and unemployed people," said Jokowi.

Meanwhile, regarding the rejection voiced by a number of parties, including through a demonstration on Thursday, October 8, Jokowi asked that the rejection be carried out through the constitutional channel, namely submitting a judicial review to the Constitutional Court (MK).

"If there is still, if there is still dissatisfaction with the Job Creation Law, please submit a stamp test or judicial review through the Constitutional Court. Our constitutional system says that, if there are still those who are not satisfied and refuse, please submit a judicial review to the Constitutional Court, "said Jokowi.

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