JAKARTA - Central Mamuju Police, West Sulawesi Regional Police dispersed the action of a group of youths who were conducting wild races in a tourist area in Kombiling Village.
Central Mamuju Police Chief Adjunct Senior, Commissioner Amri Yudhy S, in Mamuju, Friday, May 6, said the disbandment of the illegal race was carried out when local police personnel patrolled the security of tourist attractions after Eid 1443 Hijri or 2022.
"Based on reports from residents, there was an illegal racing action that disturbed the residents at Kombiling Beach, so we immediately went to the location of the illegal race and dispersed the action", said Amri Yudhy quoted from Antara.
The Head of Police who went directly to the field said that the disbandment was carried out considering that the location was used by the local community to travel with family but instead was used as a place for racing.
"So we disbanded to prevent unwanted things from happening", said Amri Yudhy.
At that place, the Chief of Police gave an appeal to motorists not to do illegal racing.
"This illegal racing action is very dangerous for yourself. I ask that the illegal racing action not happen again. If in the future there are still illegal racing activities, we will take firm action", said Amri Yudhy.
He also asked that young people who have a hobby of racing can channel it to the facilities provided, namely the official race arena
"So, the hobbies of every young person are really channeled properly. Not making the beach a place for illegal racing", said Amri Yudhy as well.
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