JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Provincial Government is still working on a design for the revitalization of the fire victims' settlements at Pasar Gembrong RW 01, Cipinang Besar Utara, Jatinegara, East Jakarta.

"We are currently in the design planning process," said Acting Head of Jatinegara Sub-district Rudy Syahrul, quoted by Antara, Friday, May 6.

Rudy said the drafting of the design was to determine the concept of the plan to revitalize the settlements of residents affected by the fire on April 24, 2022.

Rudy added that the Governor of DKI Jakarta Anies Baswedan during a visit to Pasar Gembrong on Monday (2/5) had also stated that the revitalization would begin in stages starting next week.

In addition, Anies has also instructed the planning team to review the revitalization of fire victims in Kwitang, Senen, Central Jakarta, before determining the design for the Pasar Gembrong residential area.

However, Rudy cannot confirm whether the concept of revitalizing the residents of Pasar Gembrong will use a similar design to the revitalization in Kwitang.

"Regarding this, the City (City Government) can answer. Because the concept was conveyed by the governor to the mayor in front of the Sekda, Camat and Head of RW, LMK in the prayer room after prayer," said Rudy.

Head of RW 01 Cipinang Besar Utara, Maju Saiman, said that his residents are happy with the revitalization plan from the DKI Jakarta Provincial Government and hope that it can make residents rise and continue living after experiencing the fire accident.

He said residents had also cleaned up the debris from the fire on Jalan Basuki Rachmat to speed up the process of revitalizing the settlements of RW 01 residents.

"In my picture, we are shown a model house that already exists in Kampung Melayu, roughly like there. Or something like the one on Monday. I think we'll try to arrange it (like) there," said Maju Saiman.

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