JAKARTA - The Ministry of Social Affairs (Kemensos) has allocated a budget of IDR 9,656,692,800,000 as ATENSI assistance for as many as 4,023,622 orphaned recipients of assistance.

The assistance is part of a total of Rp. 11,002,589,150,000 which is an additional proposal from the Ministry of Social Affairs and approved by Commission VIII of the DPR.

Reported by Antara, Friday, May 6, Minister of Social Affairs Tri Rismaharini stated that additional items were proposed related to changes in the index of assistance to beneficiaries. In the 2022 Fiscal Year, the Ministry of Social Affairs has determined as many as 4,023,622 children who will receive assistance.

They consist of 45,000 children who are under the care of the Social Welfare Institution. From the education category, there are 4,000 orphans who have not attended school and 41,000 people who have gone to school.

Then there are also orphans who are in the care of underprivileged families, namely those who have not attended school as many as 1,312,946 people and those who have gone to school are 2,665,676 people.

In the previous policy, the Ministry of Social Affairs applied a different aid index for those who were in school and not yet in school. In the latest ATENSI Assistance received by Commission VIII, the aid index is the same, namely Rp. 200 thousand per child.

“Initially for the pre-school orphan group, we provided assistance of Rp. 300 thousand. Now with the new budget proposal, it is equated to Rp. 200 thousand per child," said Social Minister Risma.

Handling orphans begins with children affected by the pandemic, namely children whose parents died due to COVID-19. However, later the assistance was extended to orphaned children, even though their parents died not due to COVID-19.

"The situation experienced by orphans, orphans, and orphans is certainly not easy for them to go through, therefore the Ministry of Social Affairs continues to ensure that children's rights are still fulfilled," said Social Minister Risma.

Assistance given to orphans with an index of IDR 200 thousand is given in the form of savings. In general, the Child ATENSI Program includes services for fulfilling the right to a decent life, social care and/or child care, family support, psychological social therapy, vocational and entrepreneurship training, social assistance or social assistance, and accessibility support.

"I am sure that we will help orphans, orphans, and orphans through the Child ATENSI Program. The support we provide is not only for their physical needs, but also for psychosocial support for children, their upbringing, and the continuation of their education," he said.

The center belonging to the Ministry of Social Affairs is prepared as a shelter to protect children and families of COVID-19 victims. Social Minister Risma and her staff continuously provide reinforcement and motivation to the beneficiaries, one of which is orphans, orphans, and orphans left by their parents due to COVID-19.

ATENSI's policy of assistance to orphans, a number of council members expressed support. Member of Commission VIll Samsu Niang asked his colleagues to agree with Social Minister Risma's proposal.

"When it comes to orphans, it should be approved immediately. Because the purpose of this program is very noble," he said.

The Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) Commissioner Jasra Putra also conveyed his support. He stated that the Ministry of Social's Child ATENSI program had a positive impact.

"If this program is right on target, there will be many short- and long-term impacts on children's growth and development," said Jasra.

Jasra said the program was carried out in the long term, so that children and their families could carry out their social lives well. According to him, ATENSI is a form of government intervention in ensuring the social functioning of children and families.

"In the situation of orphans, orphans and orphans because their parents died from COVID-19, it is necessary to accelerate the program so that the first and foremost response can be carried out for children," he said.

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