CIMAHI - Head of Public Relations of the Cimahi Police, AKP Hendra Solih Hidaya predicts the peak of the homecoming flow in the region will occur tonight. This is based on information from the West Java Police.

"Tonight is estimated to be the peak of Lebaran Backflow, based on information from the West Java Police and the National Police Headquarters," said Hendra when contacted by VOI, Friday, May 6.

The Cimahi Police will carry out a one-way scheme from Lembang to Bandung City, West Java. This is done to anticipate traffic jams in their jurisdiction.

"In anticipation of opening and closing in one direction, the number can be 7-8 times depending on the need. If it's more or less crowded, it's done one way," he said.

"So later, One Way from Bandung to Lembang is the same as Lembang to Bandung," he continued.

In addition to implementing the One Way scheme, Hendra said that his party also established 9 posts consisting of monitoring and service. This is done to help drivers who will cross their jurisdiction.

“The Padalarang and Cimahi service posts for the greatest postal attention. There are 9 posts in total. for the number of personnel with 500-700 combined TNI-Polri officers, he concluded.

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