JAKARTA - As many as 4 Company-level Units (SSK) personnel from the North Sumatra Regional Police Mobile Brigade were sent to Jakarta, Sunday, October 11 to anticipate demonstrations by workers and students against the Omnibus Law.

Reported by Antara , Monday, October 12, the release of about 400 Brimob personnel to Jakarta was led directly by the Deputy Chief of the North Sumatra Regional Police, Brigadier General Dadang Hartanto, after a rally was held at Kualanamu International Cargo Airport, Deli Serdang.

In his briefing, he reminded the personnel to be careful and vigilant while carrying out their duties.

"Keep paying attention to the applicable SOP and implementing health protocols," he said.

Dadang hopes that the commanders will continue to monitor the current situation in Jakarta and also the members in the field, so that they can carry out their duties smoothly without any obstacles.

"We pray together so that the personnel will always be in the protection of Allah SWT. And when we arrive at the end of the assignment, we will return to the North Sumatra Regional Police without the slightest flaw," said the former Medan Police Chief.

Also attending the departure ceremony were Karo Ops Polda North Sumatra Kombes Makmur Ginting, Dansat Brimob Kombes Abu Bakar Tertusi, Dirbinmas Polda North Sumatra Kombes Yusuf Hondo Wantri Naibaho, and Head of Labfor Kombes Sodiq Pratomo.

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