PEKANBARU CITY - The number of Riau Hajj Candidates (JCH) pilgrims who will depart through the Antara Hajj Embarkation (EHA) is 2,304 candidates from 12 districts/cities in Riau. This is based on the Decree of the Minister of Religion (KMA) for the Indonesian Hajj Quota in 2022.

"After the determination of the quota and the Riau EHA, various preparations were made, including verifying the document data of the pilgrims, age, passport and visa, further doses of vaccination for JCH who have not and so on," said Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Riau Province, Mahyudin in his statement. in Pekanbaru, reported by Antara, Wednesday, May 4.

He said, in accordance with the Decree Number: B.25020/Dj.Dt.II.II.4/Hj.05/04/2022 dated April 25, 2022 concerning the Determination of the Intermediate Hajj Embarkation (EHA), the Riau Province EHA will again dispatch Prospective Hajj Pilgrims (JCH) during the hajj season in 1443 H/2022 AD. There are many urgent things that must be prepared, starting from the preparation of EHA facilities and infrastructure, Hajj documents, and others.

"Therefore, the cooperation of all parties is urgently needed to make the hajj season a success, which had been suspended for 2 years due to COVID-19," he said.

While the JCH data for Riau Province in 2022, which does not include officers, are Pekanbaru City as many as 466 candidates, Kampar Regency 392, Bengkalis Regency 143, Indragiri Hulu 100.

In addition, from Indragiri Hilir Regency there are 299 hajj candidates, 91 Dumai City, 230 Rokan Hulu, 153 Pelalawan, 121 Kuansing, 95 Siak, 128 Rokan Hilir, and 72 Meranti candidates.*

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