JAKARTA - A student from Indonesia at Al Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, Yelly Putriyani from West Sumatra won first place in the Al-Qur'an memorization competition or Tahfiz Qur'an in Egypt.

Yelly successfully beat 70 participants from various countries, such as Thailand, Egypt, Nigeria and others.

"Alhamdulillah, I won first place for the tahfiz Quran competition in the 7.5 juz category," he said via a WhatsApp message received in Lubuk Basung, Antara, Tuesday, May 3.

Yelly, who comes from Balaigurah, Apekkangkek District, Agam Regency, West Sumatra, became the first winner in the women's category in the Tahfiz Qur'an competition which was held on April 28, 2022. This is the Tahfiz Qur'an competition for the category of a quarter of the Qur'an or 7 ,5 juz.

He said he was happy because he could give the best for his hometown and country.

“I just studied at Al Azhar University. Alhamdulillah, I was able to become the first winner of the tahfiz Quran competition. This is the first feat I did. God willing, I will do my best for my village and country," said the alumnus of the Sumatran Thawalib Islamic Boarding School in Parabek Bukittinggi.

According to the daughter of the couple Yani and Yulianah, the competition which is held by the Quran House at the Shalih Ja'fari Mosque, Cairo, Egypt is held every year.

He said the competition was very tough because the participants came from various countries, including the host Egypt.

"At first I was nervous too. But by saying Bismillah, I dared myself to join," said the recipient of the scholarship from the central Baznas.

By becoming the first winner, Yelly received prizes in the form of a large tahajjud mushaf, a certificate of appreciation and savings worth 500 Egyptian pounds.

The prize was handed over by Sheikh Muhammad As-Shubhi, the builder of the Quran House of An Nur As Subhi Mosque and also a sheikh who is an expert in the field of the Qur'an.

Currently, Yelly is studying at Al Azhar University majoring in the Faculty of Dirasat Islamiyah, the Department of Lughoh 'Arabiyah or the Department of Arabic Literature. The same department as Ustadz Adi Hidayat.

Yelly Putriyani, who was born on March 17, 2003, mastered Arabic level three on the Tahdid Mustawa test (Test for Determining the Basic Arabic Ability Level), which was held by the Central Institute for Islamic and Arabic Studies (PUSIBA) in Jakarta.

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