JAKARTA - One of the travelers at Tanjung Priok Port, Mirna (40) said he chose to go home on the D-1 Eid al-Fitr from Tanjung Priok Port because the atmosphere was more conducive.

"Because it is more flexible, there are fewer passengers, than yesterday. Yesterday it was more crowded, even if you can't sit here. The problem is I brought a small child aged 9 years," he told Antara at Tanjung Priok Port, Jakarta, Sunday 1 May.

Apart from the children, Mirna, who was going to Kijang, Riau Islands, said that she was going home with her husband, mother and sister.

As a laborer from Depok, he chooses to return to his father-in-law's house by boat because the fare is cheaper.

"At first there was no plan to go back there, because my in-laws wanted to come here, but it didn't happen because the price of plane tickets jumped from around Rp. 550 thousand from Batam to more than Rp. 1.6 million," he said.

Her mother-in-law was also a widow who was quite old, so she was worried about letting her travel alone.

"Because there are also full airports there, some from there want to go to Jakarta, or from Jakarta to arrive there," he said.

If departing at 18.00 WIB and without transit, Mirna estimates that she will arrive at Kijang the next day at 10 am.

She plans to go home to her husband's parents for a week before returning to Jakarta because her child has to go to school.

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