MEDAN - Police continue to intensify operations to eradicate thugs in the Medan City area, North Sumatra. The thugs who used to act on public transportation (angkot) in the Medan Helvetia area were arrested by the police.

This operation to eradicate thuggery was carried out by the Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Helvetia Police. The operation was led directly by the Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Medan Police Helvetia Iptu M. Theo Dwi Hutama.

"The tampering at the Kampung Lalang Tax TKP which often disturbs public transport passengers," said Medan Helvetia Police, Medan City, North Sumatra, quoted from the North Sumatra Police's Instagram account, Saturday, April 30.

In the video, this operation was carried out by the Medan Helvetia Police team by luring the perpetrators by renting an angkot in the Medan Helvetia area.

At first, the perpetrator in a red plaid hat and shirt noticed the surroundings when the angkot stopped waiting for passengers.

Moments later, this Medan thug got into the angkot and took out a screwdriver with sharp edges threatening the passengers.

A moment later, the Medan Helvetia Police team rushed into the angkot. The gun was pointed at the Medan thugs. The thug was immediately taken away.

Meanwhile, his crime partner who originally drove the perpetrator on a motorbike immediately stepped on the gas. The perpetrators were taken to the Medan Helvetia Police Headquarters for legal proceedings.

Bobby Nasution is 'hot' with Medan thugs

Mayor of Medan Bobby Nasution is furious with the thuggish acts that are currently rife in the city of Medan. Recently, a resident of Medan Labuhan was killed by a motorcycle gang in the Sei Mati area of Medan Labuhan.

Bobby Nasution firmly asked the police and TNI to help eradicate thuggery in Medan City.

"Thuggery must be removed from the face of Medan City. I hope the support of the police and the TNI, so that thuggery acts are dealt with firmly. This is not a complaint from the Medan City Government, but this has become the desire of the community. Strict action will make people uncomfortable," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from information from the Medan City Government's public relations statement, Friday, April 22.

To provide comfort and security for Medan residents, Bobby Nasution has contacted the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra to coordinate.

"I already called the Kapoldasu asking the Medan Polrestabes to work together to focus on eradicating thuggery acts. Because recently there have been many victims of crime," continued President Jokowi's son-in-law.

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