JAKARTA - The density of vehicles on toll roads is directly proportional to the increase in the use of toilets in rest areas. In fact, it is reported that there has been a queue of travelers who want to use the toilet.

To reduce the length of queues for toilet users at rest areas, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) provides 2,800 additional toilets in all toll roads in various regions.

"Overall there are 1,700 toilets in all rest areas, there are more additional than the permanent toilets available," said Head of BPJT, Danang Parikesit, when checking the Kalikangkung Semarang toll gate, as reported by Antara, Saturday, April 30.

"Long queues at the toilet should not be more than 10 minutes. Everyone is expected to be accommodated," he continued.

According to him, based on the results of air monitoring, it is known that the flow of vehicles passing from west to east via roller roads is relatively smooth.

"In general, conditions are smooth, the one-way approach has proven to be successful," he said.

The head of BPJT said that there were records from the implementation of the 2022 Lebaran homecoming flow on toll roads, namely that there were motorists who stopped on the shoulder of the road due to a strike or deliberately stopped causing traffic to slow down.

Danang added, officers will immediately go to drivers who stop. Then, the vehicle will be advised to go to the nearest rest area.

"Those who strike will also be immediately assisted to be taken to the nearest rest area," he said.

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