PALEMBANG - Police officers from Palembang, South Sumatra ensure the safety and security of homecomers passing through the city from criminal acts, especially at night. This guarantee is provided by the police by actively patrolling areas that are considered crime-prone, he said. Head of the Satreskrim Polrestabes Palembang Kompol Tri Wahyudi at the Ketupat Musi 2022 Operation Post in Keramasan, Palembang, Saturday 30 April. Officers did not rule out areas prone to crime which are also crossings for travelers from the Kramasan toll exit in Kertapati to Alang-alang Lebar and KM 12, which is the Palembang border to the East Sumatra Cross Road, the Banyuasin-Jambi section. Crimes such as mugging, breaking glass and the like. The area is relatively quiet, the roads are not fully well lit and there is minimal street lighting. ) it happened," he added, quoted by Antara. Meanwhile, the Head of Satlantas Polrestabes Palembang Kompol Rendy S Aditama said his party had alerted as many as 18 posts consisting of security posts, service posts and integrated posts to support the security of travelers. Terminal KM12, SMB II Palembang Airport Intersection, Boombaru Harbor, Musi VI Bridge, Polygon, Pusri, Provincial DPRD Intersection, Kayu Agung-Plaju Intersection, Colonel Atmo, Jakabaring, Fountain Roundabout, and Karya Jaya in front of the Kramasan toll road. requires that the homecoming flow can approach these posts, every officer there is ready to serve, "he said, at the same time urging all young people students to remain orderly traffic, pay attention to personal safety by checking health conditions and including the condition of the vehicle before starting the journey. Based on observations in the Kramasan Toll Gate area, it appears that homecoming vehicles are still arriving at one time, from Friday 29 April morning to Saturday 30 April morning.

Most of the group of travelers, including AKAP buses, private cars with roofed trunks, and small travel buses, came from Java and its surroundings. They entered Palembang City in an orderly and smooth manner even though they were accompanied by large trucks. Homecomers who want to go to Lampung Province and Java Island via the Trans Sumatra Toll Road (JTSS) also continue to arrive entering the Kramasan Toll Gate. The homecomers' vehicles are observed mostly from Pekanbaru, Jambi, Padang and including the city of Palembang. the volume of vehicles, but it is possible to start this Saturday, according to an estimate there are more than 15 thousand vehicles that pass, for that we remain on standby, "said personnel of the Satlantas Polrestabes Palembang Aipda D. Reza at the Keramasan Toll Gate.

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