JAKARTA - Tanah Abang Block A Market, Central Jakarta, closed trading activities starting Sunday, May 1, in the context of the Eid al-Fitr 1443 Hijri holiday.

"The Tanah Abang Block A Market will be closed from May 1 to May 8 due to the Eid holiday," said Tanah Abang Market Manager Hery Supriyatna, quoting Antara, Friday, April 29.

Operational activities at Tanah Abang Market will return to normal on May 9, 2022 with opening hours from 07.00 WIB to 16.00 WIB.

Towards the last day of trading, a number of shops on the 1st and 2nd floors of Block A Tanah Abang Market have closed.

However, traders generally prefer to trade until the last day the building operates before the Idul Fitri holiday in order to spend stock of goods.

"Tomorrow is still the last trade, but we will close for half a day until 2 pm. Usually it closes at 4 pm," said Yeni, one of the robe traders in Tanah Abang.

The number of visitors during Ramadan and ahead of Eid this year has indeed increased compared to 2021.

An increase in visitors has also been seen since February 2022 with an estimated 25 thousand to 30 thousand visits per day.

"The peak of visits occurred on Friday to Sunday last week, reaching more than 45,000 people per day," said Hery.

Visitors who came from February to early April were dominated by consumers who shopped wholesale for resale, both from Jabodetabek and outside cities such as Padang, Palembang and Lampung.

Meanwhile, visitors who shop from the second week of April until before Idul Fitri usually shop for personal or family needs as well as giving Eid gifts.

The vaccine booth in front of the Tanah Abang Block A entrance is also seen still serving traders to the general public.

The available vaccine is the AstraZeneca type for either one, two or booster doses.

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