KARAWANG - Kasatlantas Polres Karawang Regency AKP Laode Habibi Ade Jama said an alternative route specifically for motorbikes would be the 'ultimate weapon' in an effort to overcome congestion on arterial roads.

"We have prepared facilities for an alternative route for travelers, motorbikes. Some homecomers already use this route independently," explained AKP Laode, quoting Antara, Friday, April 29.

He conveyed that the alternative route had been prepared with facilities and infrastructure. Including security posts and directions, it has been prepared to guide travelers who pass.

Even though there are motorbike travelers crossing alternative routes, the officers have not fully directed motorized travelers to cross these routes.

He conveyed, until now arterial roads are still able to accommodate vehicles on the homecoming flow this time. So that his party has not directed motorcyclists to cross the path.

The alternative road specifically for motorbikes is the By Pass Karawang Ring Road, crossing the Lamaran-Lemah Abang-Cilamaya-Cikalong area and passing through the Pantura route.

"So the use of alternative roads is situational. If the condition of the arterial road to Simpang Jomin is very congested, then travelers on motorbikes are directed to alternative routes," said Kasatlantas.

Meanwhile, from Friday afternoon to evening, travelers crowded the Karawang arterial road.

Not only homecomers on motorbikes passing by, there are also many private vehicles and buses that pass through the arterial road towards the Java Pantura route.

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