JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, the one-way scheme on toll roads is quite effective in reducing congestion. Although based on data, the number of vehicles crossing the Jakarta-Cikampek KM 48 toll road is increasing.

"Until now, although the traffic flow reported by friends from Jasa Marga continues to increase, until now the traffic jams can still be avoided," said Sigit to reporters, Friday, April 29.

From the reports received, the first group of vehicles that passed when the scheme was implemented only took 3.5 hours to arrive at the Kalikangkung KM 414 toll road section.

That way, this scheme is quite effective in breaking down congestion. However, this four-star general and his staff will continue to evaluate the shortcomings of the scheme to deal with the peak of the homecoming flow.

"With this one-way engineering, we hope that it can really unravel and make people who will return home truly comfortable because we can reduce congestion," said Sigit.

Previously, the National Police Chief stated that based on data, 58,000 vehicles had crossed the KM 48 Jakarta-Cikampek toll road. In fact, thousands of vehicles passed every hour.

"The latest information so far has been approximately 52 thousand vehicles that pass the toll road at KM 48 and then it has reached 5 thousand per hour," said Sigit.

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