JAKARTA - The Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy/Head of the Tourism and Creative Economy Agency Sandiaga Salahuddin Uno invites people who want to return to their hometowns or return to their hometowns to use officially licensed modes of transportation, so that the Eid holiday and homecoming 2022 remain safe and healthy.

Sandiaga explained that the Eid holidays and the 2022 homecoming were a strong momentum in an effort to encourage economic revival. For this reason, it is necessary that the mode of transportation or the vehicle used must also be safe to take travelers to their destination.

“If there is something negative related to tourism, it will be mostly about the tourist bus that had an accident. It is our moral responsibility. Because 70 percent of the tourism buses use the 'Wonderful Indonesia' logo. For that, we will socialize SPIONAM more massively and we invite the public to participate in monitoring," said Sandiaga in a written statement, Thursday, April 28.

Sandiaga said, the Government through the Ministry of Transportation provided the SPIONAM portal (Transport and Multimodal Portal Licensing Information System) that can be accessed by the entire community.

SPIONAM is to prevent the rise of illegal (unlicensed) transportation operating on the streets. So that people can find out and sort out safe and comfortable tourism transportation because they already have official permits.

"The 2022 Eid homecoming momentum was chosen as the right time to introduce SPIONAM to the public and also industry players, especially in the field of tourist transportation," he said.

On the other hand, Sandiaga said, good cooperation with all sectors is needed so that the momentum of the 2022 Eid homecoming can be put to good use, but still within the framework of "Safe and Healthy Homecoming" considering the pandemic situation is not over yet.

"We are also collaborating with partners such as Traveloka, Xplorin, and Enesis in preparing 15 homecoming post points for #diIndonesiaAja from Lampung to East Java, which are expected to become relax corners or resting places for travelers before continuing their journey," he said.

The declaration is a collaboration between Kemenparekraf/Baparekraf with the Ministry of Transportation, Indonesian Police, Associations, and stakeholders regarding the socialization of the importance of using officially licensed tourism transportation, to create a safe, comfortable, and healthy homecoming and ending with a joint declaration to provide a safe, healthy, and enjoyable experience. and convenient for tourism transport users.

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