JAKARTA - Employers who are members of the Indonesian Employers' Association (APINDO) believe that the demonstration by labor unions or workers so that students will not be able to change the legislative process of the Work Creation Act (UU).

Chairman of APINDO, Hariyadi Sukamdani said, there is only one thing that can change the content of the Job Creation Law, namely the petition for a lawsuit in the Constitutional Court (MK). Therefore, according to him, if you do not agree with the ratification of the broomstick law, you can take legal action.

"If there are those who disagree, of course there will be opportunities for a judicial review in the Constitutional Court. Because any demonstration cannot change the legislative process that can change the lawsuit in the Constitutional Court," he said, in a virtual discussion, Friday, October 9.

On the other hand, Hariyadi asked entrepreneurs to socialize this Job Creation Law. This is intended so that workers can understand and do not do things that can harm the company.

Hariyadi assessed that there was a lot of misinformation circulating in the public regarding the Job Creation Law. This is due to a lack of understanding of the points in this broomstick law.

"So that our workers understand and do not need to react on the street, because this will cause counterproductive things," he said.

Workers Will File a Lawsuit to the Constitutional Court

The President of the Confederation of Indonesian Trade Unions (KSPI) Said Iqbal said, the 3-day national strike carried out by KSPI and 32 federations had ended on October 8, 2020. For the next steps, which labor unions will take, will be formally announced in a press conference on Monday, October 12th.

"Further steps that will be taken constitutionally include making a lawsuit through legal channels to cancel the Omnibus Law on Job Creation, continuing the action movement on a constitutional basis, and conducting campaigns to the national and international community about the reasons why workers refuse, particularly the labor cluster," he said. , in a written statement received by VOI , Friday, October 9.

As is known, the ratification of the Job Creation Law which was carried out by the DPR on last October 5, immediately sparked public anger. This is because the law is controversial because there are many articles that are deemed to be detrimental to workers, farmers, students and indigenous peoples.

Not only were the articles protested, the process of establishing the Job Creation Law itself drew a lot of criticism because it was considered to have many irregularities and was not transparent.

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