JAKARTA - Rest areas or resting areas on the Jakarta-Cikampek and Cipali toll roads are the trigger for congestion during the Eid homecoming flow, Thursday 28 April. Observations along the Jakarta-Cikampek toll road to Cipali, on Thursday 28 April morning until noon, there was a queue homecoming vehicles that will enter the rest area. The long queue of vehicles that will enter the rest area makes traffic flow stagnate so that there is a long traffic jam at every point before the rest area. , KM 102, and KM 166 Cipali Toll Road. Queues of vehicles that will enter the rest area occur, because the condition of the rest area is full and can no longer accommodate vehicles. Due to this condition, the officers had implemented opening and closing of a number of rest areas which triggered traffic jams. In addition, officers also carry out traffic engineering by opening and closing the contra flow. This was done because there was a long traffic jam on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road and Cipali Toll Road. Meanwhile, PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk recorded as many as 951,758 vehicles leaving the Jabotabek area in the Friday-Wednesday (22-27 April 2022) period. is the cumulative number of traffic flows from the four main toll gates (GT), namely GT Cikupa (direction Merak), GT Ciawi (direction Puncak), and GT Cikampek Utama and GT Kalihurip Utama (direction Trans Java and Bandung). Development Group Head of PT Jasa Marga, Dwimawan Heru, said the total volume of traffic leaving the Jabotabek area rose 9.4 percent compared to normal traffic for the November 2021 period with a total of 870,371 vehicles.

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- https://voi.id/berita/161641/polres-bandara-soekarno-hatta-siagakan-lima-posko-mudik- Lebaran

- https://voi.id/berita/161791/arus-mudik-2022-pemilahan-pelat-nomor-mobil-ganjil-even-dilaku-di-km-10-dan-km-47-tol-cikampek

- https://voi.id/berita/161781/bandara-juanda-add-jam-operational-saat- Lebaran

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