JABAR - D-4 Lebaran 2022, the flow of going home in the southern route of Central Java (Central Java), especially the Wangon section in Banyumas, to the West Java (Jabar) border in Panulisan Village, Cilacap, is monitored smoothly.

Based on the tracing along the road, Thursday, April 28 afternoon, the flow of going home from Bandung to a number of cities in Central Java has not shown a significant increase, as well as from the opposite direction.

In fact, a number of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles that pass on these roads can run at speeds above 60 kilometers per hour.

When confirmed, the Head of the Traffic Unit of the Cilacap Resort Police, Adjunct Commissioner of Police, Ris Andrian Yudo Nugroho, admitted that the homecoming flow in the southern route of Central Java that entered the Cilacap area was still quiet.

"It's still quiet, maybe tomorrow there will be an increase in the homecoming flow from Bandung," he said, as reported by Antara.

However, he appealed to travelers to remain careful in driving their vehicles because the condition of the southern route of Central Java, the West Java to Wangon border section is winding and prone to accidents.

When met at the Central Java-Jabar border, one of the travelers on a motorbike, Agus Suhendar, admitted that he departed from Blitar, East Java, at 04.00 WIB.

"I arrived here at 15.00 WIB. The traffic flow was smooth, only Wates and Yogyakarta were a bit sluggish," said he who was about to go home to Kadungora, Garut Regency, West Java.

Meanwhile, the Cilacap RAPI Command Post officer at the Central Java-West Java border CA Alugoro said the flow of vehicles entering the Central Java area was still fluctuating. "Sometimes it looks crowded, sometimes it's quiet like now," he concluded.

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