JAKARTA - The volume of vehicles crossing the Kalimalang route, Duren Sawit, East Jakarta, has increased by 30 percent compared to normal times due to residents traveling back and forth on D-4 Lebaran 1443 Hijriah.

Head of Homecoming Security Service Post for Duren Sawit Police, Ipda Junaedi Effendi said homecomers were dominated by motorbike users although it was not mentioned the volume that passed.

"According to estimates, there has been a 25-30 percent increase," said Junaedi Effendi in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Thursday, April 28.

Junaedi added that the motorbike travelers usually start traveling to their hometowns via the Pantura route at night after breaking their fast to avoid the hot sun.

"More motorcycle travelers start at night. It's about after Isha prayer or after Tarawih prayer. In the afternoon it is dominated by residents who live in Jakarta, especially those who come home from work," said Junaedi. Junaedi said he had prepared traffic engineering on Jalan Raya Kalimalang , precisely in Pangkalan Jati if there is a density.

Because, he predicts the volume of vehicles on Jalan Raya Kalimalang will increase until Eid.

"If there is heavy traffic flow or maybe we will turn left later, Pondok Bambu, continue to Jalan I Gusti Ngurah Rai later through to NCO and continue to Bekasi," said Junaedi.

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