JAKARTA - Member of Commission IX of the DPR RI from the PKB faction, Luqman Hakim, responded to the formation of the All-Indonesian Doctors Association (PDSI) which was declared yesterday, Wednesday, April 27. dr. Jajang Edi Priyanto. Chairman of PDSI Jajang Edi Priyanto said the reason for the formation of the medical organization was not to compete with the Indonesian Medical Association (IDI). But one of the triggers was the result of the uproar after the dismissal of Dr. Terawan from the IDI membership. Luqman assessed, the existence of PDSI allows the emergence of similar organizations in the future.

"With the formation of PDSI, and in the future, several similar organizations may also appear," said Luqman, Thursday, April 28. Then, he said, the recommendation for a doctor's practice permit was no longer monopolized by one organization. In this case, IDI is the only medical organization in Indonesia. "So the recommendation for a doctor's license to practice is no longer monopolized by one organization," said Luqman. PDSI) chaired by Brigadier General (Purn) dr. Jajang Edi Priyanto.

The approval was based on Decree number: AHU-0003638.AH.01.07. Year 2022, April 10, 2022, which refers to the Deed of Establishment number 1, April 6, 2022, drawn up by Subuh Priyambodo, SH, Notary in North Jakarta City. The civil director of the Directorate General of General Legal Administration (AHU) of the Ministry of Law and Human Rights, Santun Maspari Siregar, said that the granting of ratification of legal entities was a form of implementation and respect for the principles of freedom of association and assembly guaranteed by the constitution.

"The association is a legal entity mass organization that was born based on Staatblad 1870 Number 64 and its implementing regulations that are subject to the Ormas Law," said Santun, Wednesday, April 27.

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