AMBON - The Maluku Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM) found 1,836 food products that did not meet the provisions (TMK), including products without distribution permits, damaged and expired packaging.

"Supervision of processed food during Ramadan 1443 Hijri was carried out at 15 processed food distribution facilities, and found 69 types that did not meet the provisions or 1,836 packages with a value of Rp. 8.2 million," said Head of BPOM Maluku Hermanto, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 27.

The findings of food that TMK such as expired food were 56 types or 1,714 packages with a value of Rp.7.9 million.

Types of expired food include UHT milk, chocolate, ready-to-eat spices, seasonings, seasoning flour, biscuits, powdered drinks, ground coffee, dry noodles, tea bags, and snacks.

Damaged food, namely torn or leaking packaging, was 13 types or 122 packages, with a value of Rp. 185 thousand.

Types of damaged food include powdered drinks, UHT milk, instant coconut milk and snacks.

He explained that spoiled and expired food in Ambon City were found in shop facilities, while in the districts of East Seram, Central Maluku and West Seram in supermarkets and shops. findings.

The number of processed food distribution facilities that have been inspected until 27 April 2022 is 120 facilities.

105 facilities or 88 percent, meet the Conditions, and 15 facilities or 12 percent do not meet the conditions.

"The types of facilities being inspected are warehouses, 2 percent, distributors, 20 percent, and the rest, 78 percent, modern and traditional retailers," he said.

He added that the follow-up to the results of supervision of 15 TMK food distribution facilities was given administrative sanctions in the form of guidance on seven facilities and warnings on eight facilities.

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