JAKARTA - Indonesian Presidential Chief of Staff Moeldoko appreciates efforts to boost COVID-19 vaccination on the homecoming route through the presence of vaccine centers at the Lebaran 2022 homecoming operation posts as an active step in tackling the pandemic, which is not yet fully over. COVID-19 when reviewing the homecoming post provided by the Indonesian Police at the kilometer 277 section of the Trans Sumatra Lampung-Palembang Toll Road in Pematang Panggang, Wednesday 27 April. The COVID-19 situation in Indonesia remains under control," he said in a press statement received in Jakarta. The existence of these vaccine centers, Moeldoko continued, is proof that the government has not relaxed their efforts in tackling the pandemic after allowing the Eid al-Fitr 1433 H homecoming trip. amid the decline in the number of COVID-19 cases In addition to seeing the readiness of vaccination centers, Moeldoko also directly traveled along the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang-Kayu Agung toll road to review repair work on the damage to the Trans Sumatra toll road as well as engineering anticipation of transportation density along the homecoming flow.

"Anticipation for going home on the Trans Sumatra Toll Road is very good. I can confirm that all parties have ensured the readiness of all supporting facilities, including rest areas, toilets, and refueling stations," said Meoldoko. dialogue with some travelers at the rest area kilometer 234 asking what facilities need to be improved while looking at the cleanliness of the toilets and the availability of clean water there. The government estimates that this year's homecoming flow will involve 85 million people who travel. crossing the Trans Sumatra Toll Road and Bakauheni Port is expected to peak on 29 and 30 April 2022.

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