TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Tangerang City allowed Muslims to perform Eid prayers during Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah. However, his party forbade residents to greet while hugging.

The chairman of the Tangerang City MUI, KH Baijuri Khotib asked the public to comply with the health protocols (Prokes).

"There's no need to hug first, let alone cipika cipiki," said Baijuri in his statement, Wednesday, April 27.

"When the friendship is enough to cover the hands in front of the chest while looking down," he continued.

In addition, he also asked the public to continue to wear masks and bring their own prayer mats during Eid prayers.

"(Congregants must) bring their prayer tools from their respective homes including mosques. We also urge you not to roll out the carpet, if the prayer rows are back to normal," he explained.

Meanwhile, the chairman of the Tangerang City Council of Indonesian Mosques (DMI), H Heryanto, also said that the Tangerang City DMI had prepared mosques to carry out the 1443 Eid prayer.

"We have also cleaned the mosque and appealed to all DKM in Tangerang City to prepare everything in implementing health protocols," he said.

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